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  3. ERKO AH 550 Kocsis hidraulikus tápegység

ERKO AH 550 Kocsis hidraulikus tápegység

+36-1 261 9295

Electric hydraulic power units:
 equipped with hydraulic hose with PM quick coupler
 standard equipped with hydraulic hose (2,5 m) with PM quick coupler, enabling work with all ERKO hydraulic heads and devices with PT quick coupler
 power supply voltage: 3 x 230V/400V
 power: 1,4 kW
 efficiency: 1,33 l/min
Dimensions: 520 x 370 x 690 mm; Weight: 43kg
On request possibility of manufacturing with many pressure ports and other lenght of hydraulic hose.
Working at 380 bar pressure reduces load on the head during operation in which 380 bar is sufficient and ensures correct cycle performance.

  • ERAH550
  • 2 670 200 Ft